August 15, 2017
Documentary By Laura Gabbert

Text By Daniel Hernandez
August 15, 2017

Documentary By
Laura Gabbert

Text By
Daniel Hernandez

For families divided by the border, there is one place where they are allowed to come together—almost.

In the documentary “Monument/Monumento,” filmmaker Laura Gabbert witnesses a family coming face-to-face
after being apart for 20 years.


Documentary - Laura Gabbert
Laura, a nonfiction filmmaker, is the director and producer of the feature documentary “City of Gold.” She is based in Los Angeles.
Daniel, a journalist and essayist, is the author of Down & Delirious in Mexico City. He is based in Los Angeles.
Photo Credits
All photos by Jerome Sessini/Magnum Photos.
Creative Direction & Design - Sandra Garcia
Sandra is the creative director of Highline.
Development & Design - Gladeye
Gladeye is a digital innovations agency in New Zealand and New York.
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